Sources: PR1mE to tryout in Tricked

1 min readOct 4, 2020



Tricked nævnte i September at Magnus ‘Toft’ Toft er på vej til et andet hold. Tidligere har Jonas ‘dfen’ Sørensen været på tryout, dog har flere kilder fortalt at han er ude og Mathias ‘PR1mE’ Carlsen har startet sin tryout periode.

PR1mE kom ind i varmen da han spillede som In-Game-Leader for Sørby Academy og har sidenhen spillet under prominente navne efter sin succes i Sørby.

PR1mE har blandt andet endt i top 4 med kinetic i POWER Ligaen Sæson 13.


Last month Tricked mentioned in a tweet that they are helping Magnus ‘Toft’ Toft to find a new team to reprecent. This has left a vacant spot on the Tricked Esport main Counter-Strike: Global Offensive roster. Earlier has Jonas ‘dfen’ Sørensen been on tryout. Multiple sources has confirmed that Tricked has ended dfen’s trial period and started the trial period Mathias ‘PR1mE’ Carlsen.

PR1mE became a hot prospect in the Danish Counter-Strike: Global Offensive scene when he played in Sorby Academy as an In-Game-Leader and later played under several well-established names after his success in Sorby Academy.

Amongst other results, PR1mE’s most notable HLTV event finish was 3rd-4th in the Danish league Power Ligaen season 13 with kinetic




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