Sources: Ignite has found the people to coordinate their CS:GO project

3 min readDec 14, 2020


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Flammerne er genopstået og har fundet personerne som skal stå bag deres seneste CS:GO projekt fortæller flere kilder tæt på holdet.

Ignite satser på at gløden vil skinne igennem den mørke tid vi lever i, gennem disse personer: Alexander ‘nopze’ Kobberø som sportsdirektør, Nicklas ‘Creakz’ Johansen som Head Coach og Morten ‘krez’ Møller som Assistent Coach

Dette har Ignite teaset om, da de vil præsentere et nyt lineup til Januar.

nopze er tidligere 1.6 spiller og spillede på nævneværdige hold som RYGGSACK, SUBLIFE og Endvidere transitionerede han til Valorant, hvor han spillede under den danske organisation Ambush og spillede på hold med MupzG, martinwk, jessenoj og dst. Hvor det lykkedes nopze at ende i top 10 i Europa under betaen. Hans ansvarsområder inkluderer forhandling af kontrakter, den daglige drift og bindeledet mellem spillerne/coaches og bestyrelsen.

Creakz er mest kendt for sin tid som coach under det tidligere Atlando hold, som så spillere som nuværende Lyngby Vikings spiller Mathias ‘Maccen’ Madsen. Endvidere, har Creakz også lige afsluttet sin position som coach hos Aalborg Rebels. Hans ansvarsområder inkluderer samling af holdet, træning af spillerne og alt hvad det indebærer, samt bringer et taktisk overblik til holdet.

krez er tidligere 1.6 spiller og brugte sin tid som spiller omkring top 10 i Danmark. Hans ansvarsområder inkluderer mental forberedelse af spillerne inden kampstart og arbejder individuelt med spillerne på et mentalt plan.

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The flames has arisen and found the people behind their newest CS:GO project confirms several sources close to the organisation.

Ignite will shine bright, after a troublesome 2020 and present a new CS:GO roster in the new year. For the people behind this project, there is Alexander ‘nopze’ Kobberø working as Sports Director, Nicklas ‘Creakz’ Johansen working as Head Coach and Morten ‘krez’ Møller working as Assistant Coach.

Ignite has teased about this in a recent tweet.

nopze is a former 1.6 player and played for noteworthy teams such as RYGGSACK, SUBLIFE og Furthermore, he transitioned into the successful Riot title, Valorant. While playing Valorant, nopze, played under the danish organization Ambush with his team. His team consisted of MupzG, martinwk, jessenoj og dst, where they made it into the european top 10 during the beta. Nopze’s area of responsibility includes negotiation of contracts, the daily operation and as the link between the players/coaches and the board of directors.

Creakz is mostly known for his coaching under the former Atlando linup, which consisted of, now Lyngby Vikins player, Mathias ‘Maccen’ Madsen. Furthermore, Creakz recently stopped his position as coach for Aalborg Rebels’ CS:GO team. Creakz’ area of responsibility includes the creation of Ignite’s CS:GO team, the training of the players and everything in that category, as well as, a tactical overview.

Morten ‘krez’ Møller is a former 1.6 player, who spent his time playing around top 10 in Denmark. Krez’ area of responsibility includes mental preperation of the players before a match and work with the different players on an individual plan, with his focus on their mental health.

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